Club Loyalty
How it works
Shop in store, on the app or online
We keep track of your spend
We'll send you vouchers*
Spend your vouchers in store or online
Every purchase you make will count towards earning your exclusive loyalty vouchers. All you need to do is keep crafting to save! Don’t forget to scan your card in store or login when you buy on the app or online so we can reward every penny of your spend.
Providing you provide the same email address when you shop in store and log in on the app and online, we can track all your purchases. There is no need to add your Club card number when you shop on the app or online.
Vouchers can be issued up to 7 days from when you have earned a voucher. You must have an account on the Hobbycraft app or be opted in to receive Hobbycraft emails to receive your loyalty vouchers. Check your promotion and spam folders in your email account in case the voucher emails have been automatically filed there. If after 21 days your voucher still hasn’t arrived, please contact our Customer Services team
Please refer to the expiry date shown on the voucher in your email or your app account.